
UTSA awards

In addition to the Carlos Alvarez College of Business faculty awards, UTSA recognizes faculty through numerous awards, which are administered both within the university and through external organizations.

Please review each UTSA award page link below to determine your eligibility. Self-nominations are encouraged and welcomed. Consider submitting nominations for multiple awards.

Note that the college’s nominations for the President’s Distinguished Achievement Awards for teaching, research and service are taken as part of the college faculty award nomination process. Please only complete the respective college faculty award nomination forms located on another page of this website.

All UTSA faculty award nominations will be reviewed by the college Executive Committee, and the committee will make recommendations to the Dean on whether to forward them to the university for further consideration as the faculty nominees representing the college.

President’s Distinguished Achievement Awards

Howe Teaching Award

President’s Distinguished Diversity Award

Piper Professor Teaching Award


Nominations are now closed for 2022 college faculty awards cycle.